
MSP PerfectPart

Create a 'Perfect Part' with MSP

Creating Right-First-Time parts with MSP PerfectPart

MSP PerfectPart

Make a PerfectPartTM with MSP

Trusted by manufacturers worldwide

Micron-Accurate Probe Setup

with AutoClock

Automatically set the machine Z height to within one micron. It's hands-free and perfect for closed-door, lights-out production processes.

AutoClock achieves micron-accurate setup for CNC spindle probes

Automated Machine Checking

with NC-Checker

Automatically benchmark the performance and accuracy of your machine tool, so if it's outside operating tolerances, you can stop part processes before anything is cut. 

NC-Checker automatically checks your CNC machine capability

Fast, accurate part setup

with NC-PartLocator

We find all the errors in your process before machining even starts. Using NC-PartLocator, we align your part automatically in the machine volume and ensure you produce perfect parts, every time.

NC-PartLocator automatically aligns your parts on the CNC Machine tool

On-machine inspection

with NC-PartLocator

Automatically verify your part is in tolerance before it is taken off the machine tool. Reduce CMM backlogs, speed up production and give production control over their processes.

On-Machine Inspection to reduce CMM backlogs

Perfect setup, perfect parts

with MSP PerfectPart

When the whole setup process is accurate and error-free, your production processes will begin producing right-first-time parts. The automation MSP PerfectPart provides also means your production processes will be ready for 24-7 lights-out machining.

Achieve perfect setup for your CNC Machining processes

MSP PerfectPart Benefits

Not only will you be producing right-first-time parts, MSP PerfectPart also gives you so much more capability.

Watch the product suite in action




Don't just take our word for it

"When we are asked by our supply chain: ‘Can you guarantee quality parts on schedule?’ We can say, ‘Yes with confidence and prove it time and time again thanks to MSP’s products’."
3T-am can guarantee quality parts on schedule
Martin Jarvis, Production Manager
"This software is a game changer. We used this to align carbon parts on the machine which were never quite accurate to CAD. The software enabled us to align what features needed to be machined priority wise. Very well designed and easy to use."
Project Engineer
Machining Solutions Company
“We are now producing parts which are achieving a very high success rate. This is excellent news as the business we are supplying to used to dual source these parts, however, they have confirmed they will be using the parts we're making over their second source as ours are '10 times better'”
Polar Technology has high success machining parts
Thomas Rogers
Machine Shop Manager, Polar Technology Management Group
“Before MSP we were losing more parts than we were creating good parts and we couldn’t manufacture in one operation. With the introduction of MSP, not only can we remove all manual steps, but we can now check everything before cutting the part and resolve any problems that previously resulted in scrap parts.”
SST have reduced scrap rates
Brad Airey
SST Technology
“We can honestly say MSP’s solutions have exceeded our expectations. We have made 64 parts using MSP’s software and none have been scrapped - impressive results!”
Methods Engineer
European Energy Company
“Having MSP, and the automation it provides in aligning the part, reduces the number of personnel and resources needed on the shop floor. Senior engineers no longer need to be involved day to day - production can be successfully completed by any of our operators.”
Vert can complete production with any of its operators
Nicol Low, Chief Operating Officer
Vert Technologies
“You predicted the machine with the new spindle could be off by as much as 100 microns and it was off by 75. Proven. Thank you.”
CEO and Founder
US Precision Manufacturing Company
“I genuinely feel that we would not be successfully machining castings without the help of Renishaw and MSP. The support we get from them is great; they are at the end of the phone if we call, and on-site when we need them.”
Doncasters are successfully machining castings
Ollie Macrow, Engineering Manager
Doncasters Precision Castings

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Top MSP PerfectPart FAQs

What can MSP PerfectPart do for me?

If you purchase the full MSP PerfectPart product suite, you get an end-to-end solution to improve quality throughout your CNC machining processes. It eliminates all potential sources of error from calibration all the way to inspection so you can produce right-first-time parts. 

Because of how MSP PerfectPart works, at the same time as improving quality, it also automates your processes, speeds them up, reduces scrap levels and makes shopfloors much more sustainable.

Which modules make up MSP PerfectPart?

AutoClock: Hardware for micron-accurate and fast probe setup and calibration.

NC-AutoClock: Software for the automated operation of AutoClock and its results. This also allows one AutoClock device to be used per cell.

NC-Checker: Software for machine performance monitoring to understand if your machine is capable of producing parts within tolerance. Creates Benchmark reports.

NC-PartLocator: Software for the automation of the best fit alignment of parts and on-machine part inspection.

Can MSP PerfectPart improve my quality?

Yes! By eliminating all potential sources of errors before any parts are machined or any material is cut, you can have the confidence anything produced will be within tolerance and pass final inspection. For example, errors can occur when the probe is setup and calibrated manually, errors can be present on the machine if there are kinematic or mechanical issues or errors can occur in alignment (either the part hasn’t been located accurately enough or the part differs from the CAD). The products within the MSP PerfectPart suite identify and correct for all of these errors so they don’t affect your parts.

Can MSP PerfectPart help me achieve my sustainability goals?

Yes – in many ways! By speeding up probe, machine and part setup processes, sometimes to a mere fraction of the original time, this saves a large amount of wasted energy in time the machine would have been sat idle. And by ensuring right-first-time parts are produced consistently, energy isn’t wasted spent machining parts that eventually have to be scrapped. 

MSP PerfectPart also makes it possible to adapt processes to machine near net shapes so manufacturers can create parts using the minimum amount of material possible and make savings as less machining time is needed.

How is MSP PerfectPart installed?

MSP PerfectPart is installed on a standard PC/workstation next to the machine tool on the shopfloor. The PC needs to be connected to the machine tool control either directly or via the company network. No high accuracy CAD is used, so a high-performance PC is not required.

Which probe makes and models work with MSP PerfectPart?

MSP can work with any type of spindle touch probe. We always suggest using the most accurate probe to remove uncertainty from the measurement results. As part of the NC-Checker Benchmark, the Probe Performance check will identify if an upgrade is required for the required part tolerances.