

MSP applies its cross-industry knowledge to the motorsport sector to improve the production of parts including front wings, chassis' and gearboxes.

Get your designs through production and on to the track much quicker than ever before…

Part-setup accuracy is fundamental when working with carbon fibre in Motorsport. MSP’s innovative manufacturing solutions remove the need for manual set-up and provide an automated, error-free production environment.

get designs onto the track quicker than ever with MSP

Benefits to your industry

Eliminate production errors.

Part setup time considerably reduced. For one team, setup was reduced from 10 hours to 38 minutes.

Productivity massively improved. Setup time for production of 12 chassis was reduced from 120 hours to just 7.6 hours.

reduce part setup from hours to minutes

Industry Case Studies

Industry Applications

Bleu Hinge Part

Exhaust Manifold

Gearbox Housing

Other Industries

Industry solutions.

We're trusted in various areas of the CNC manufacturing industry to help customers produce right-first-time parts. If your industry is missing from this list and you want more information, please get in touch.

Get in touch with the team here.