
Precision Machining of Composite Parts

MSP applies its cross-industry knowledge to the composites sector to improve the production of parts including F1 front wings, defence wing skins or aerospace winglets.

Composite part alignment with MSP PerfectPart

MSP understands that traditional manual machining methods are not suitable for the complexity of composite parts. Errors are introduced by non-uniform layup and distortion due to the curing/cooling processes on the part.

MSP PerfectPart uses probing to automate part setup and detect distortion or errors on composite parts. The software automatically generates the correct alignment of the part in the machine and any errors due to misalignment are eliminated.

remove manual part setup with MSP

Benefits to your industry

Better quality parts: Parts are finish machined right-first-time and always pass final inspection.

Repeatable process: A stable and repeatable part setup routine is created, consisting of no manual operations.

Easier fixturing: Simple fixtures can be used, eliminating the need to bend and constrain the part in the fixture to align it correctly.

Micron-accurate features and assembly points: Countersinks and counterbores are machined to the correct depth.

No scrap or rework: Scrap and rework are eliminated, saving valuable time, resources and cost.


Some of the part processes we enhance

Landing Gear Door Panels
Landing Gear Door Panels
F1 Front Wings
F1 Front Wings
Defence Wing Skins
Defence Wing Skins
Aerospace Winglets
Aerospace Winglets

Industry Case Studies

Industry Applications

Composite Panel

Landing Gear Door Panel


Other Industries

Industry solutions.

We're trusted in various areas of the CNC manufacturing industry to help customers produce right-first-time parts. If your industry is missing from this list and you want more information, please get in touch.

Get in touch with the team here.