MSP News

MSP promote full automation at Advanced Engineering 2018


For the eighth consecutive year, metrology software products ltd (MSP) are exhibiting at Advanced Engineering, taking place from the 31st of October to the 1st of November 2018.

Automate your machine shop

At the NEC based event, MSP will show visiting manufacturers how to fully automate their machine shop; specifically their tool axis setting, their machine checking and their part setup.

Leading experts in developing and implementing precision metrology software, MSP will present their innovative products and how they make automation easy. In particular, visitors have the opportunity to learn about NC-Checker, NC-PerfectPart and, MSP’s new product, AutoClock. These award-winning products help companies manufacture 100% accurate parts in a reduced manufacturing time, cutting costs and scrap parts and making processes more efficient.

MSP’s Commercial Director, Tony Brown, details how each product automates the machining process:

“AutoClock automates the first stage – the probe calibration process. It provides fast, accurate and automated tool axis setting and takes seconds to automatically set the tool axis offset to microns. Most importantly, it enables the probe to complete the automatic calibration process without human intervention, removing errors and uncertainty.”

He continues:

“NC-Checker provides automatic 5-axis checking of the machine tool, analysing the machine’s accuracy. It provides a comprehensive report, showing the manufacturer if their machine is capable of machining parts to tolerance or where the machine is under-performing.

“NC-PerfectPart solves problems created by poor condition of supply or part alignment on the machine tool. It measures the parts actual position on the machine and these measurements are used to calculate the part alignment. The machine controller is automatically updated to compensate for any discrepancy between the part location and the machining program. All errors due to misalignment are eliminated.”

Make your probes useful

This year, MSP are also aiming to demonstrate how their software can make probes more useful.

Machine tool probes are important tools for improving part quality during the manufacturing process. Yet they often remain unused, or limited to simple setup jobs, where they are unable to reach their full potential to increase part quality or setup speed.

With MSP’s software however, machine tool probes are powerful; providing a wealth of benefits such as machine capability, stock condition of supply, part distortion, part alignment, increased part quality and post-machining inspection.


MSP's Stand at Advanced Engineering 2017.

A year of firsts

This is the first year AutoClock is being shown at Advanced Engineering. It is the first product available to the industry which automates the process for tool axis setting, making it an exciting feature for the exhibition.

Peter Hammond, MSP’s Technical Director, spoke ahead of the event:

“We have exhibited at Advanced Engineering many times and visiting manufacturers are always impressed with the level of automation we can provide for their machine shops. I am looking forward to this year as we are able to offer another stage of automation with AutoClock, helping manufacturers to become even more efficient, productive and profitable.”

It is also the first show for MSP’s new Technical Account Manager, Keith Langford:

“Advanced Engineering is a great opportunity to gain vital insight into emerging trends within all areas of the industry. I look forward to meeting with new and existing customers and learning about exciting new projects MSP can assist with.”

As part of the company's marketing strategy for 2018, MSP launched a new website at the beginning of the year to improve overall user experience. Further additions will be made in time for Advanced Engineering and will offer a dedicated online support area for existing customers to access answers to the most commonly asked questions. Margaret Toberty, Director of Operations at MSP, explains:

“We are always asking customers for feedback on our products and services. Many of our customers commented that it would be beneficial to have an online support tool with hints and tips to maximise using our software. We hope that the new support section of our website will be greatly received by all of our customers.”

The event

Now in its tenth year, Advanced Engineering is the UK’s largest gathering of advanced engineering professionals, connecting the entire supply chain of the UK’s advanced engineering industry. The show has six zones dedicated to each area of the industry: Aero Engineering, Composites Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Performance Metals Engineering, Connected Manufacturing and – new for 2018 – Nuclear Engineering.

MSP will be available to answer any of your manufacturing questions at stand Q10. Unable to make the show? Get in touch using the button below.