MSP News

MSP work with Newcastle College to bridge the digital skills gap in engineering


UK part manufacturing and software specialist MSP has worked with Newcastle College to bridge the digital skills gap within engineering and manufacturing.

As part of an Employer Advisory Board, which included key companies within the industry such as Proctor & Gamble and SMD, MSP helped the college develop a new Engineering with Applied Digital Technologies foundation degree. The revolutionary course will give its participants the practical skills needed to join the industry and help create a future generation of digitally-enabled engineers.

Representing MSP on the Board was Director of Operations, Margaret Toberty, who shared the regional challenges of recruiting digital competent engineers into manufacturing and Graeme Potts, Technical Account Manager, who shared his experience, gained from over 10 years within the industry, to inform and advise course modules to make them suitable for a sector in transition.

Margaret explained the importance of developing course content in this way:

“As a company that supplies global manufacturers, MSP had a clear stake in this strategic collaboration with Newcastle College.

“This foundation degree will be an important step in the future employability of manufacturing graduates in the region, allowing them to align their skills and competencies with the needs of employers.

“Working alongside Newcastle College, SMD and Procter & Gamble fostered a rewarding and unified team effort.”

Andrew Esson, Director of Industrial Strategy at Newcastle College at the time, said:

“Our industrial engagement has identified a need to create a new generation of digitally enabled engineers to support local manufacturers in the adoption of industrial digital technology.

“We were delighted that MSP, SMD and Procter & Gamble shared our vision and were able to support the development of this innovative new qualification.”

Margaret added:

“In a globalised economy, the amalgamation of digital and manufacturing skills is critical to enable graduates to achieve a competitive advantage in their future employment.”

The foundation degree was approved by the assessment board earlier this year and will start taking students from September.

For more information about what the course entails, visit the page here.